Haneda Airport ⇔ Shin-Yokohama Sta. / Center Minami Sta. / Center Kita Sta.

Transportation IC cards can be used
what's new

time table

Going to Shin-Yokohama Sta., Center Minami Sta., Center Kita Sta.

Going to Haneda Airport

Fares information

one way

Shin-Yokohama Station/ Shin Yokohama Prince Hotel Adults: 1,000 yen (Children: 500 yen)
Center Minami Sta. and Center Kita Sta. Adults 1,200 yen (Children 600 yen)

Transportation IC cards can be used.


Shin-Yokohama/ Shin Yokohama Prince Hotel (11 tickets) Mobile ticket: 10,000 yen Paper ticket: 10,500 yen
Center Minami Sta. / Center Kita Sta. (11 tickets) Mobile type 12,000 yen / Paper type 12,500 yen
*Expiration date: 6 months from date of purchase
*Mobile coupon tickets are Express bus reservation system You can purchase from.

Ticket sales location
  • Haneda Airport Terminal 3
    2nd floor arrival lobby Bus ticket handling counter/Keikyu bus ticket vending machine
    Keikyu Bus ticket vending machine in front of bus stops 4 and 8 on the 1st floor

  • Haneda Airport Terminal 1
    1st floor arrival lobby Keikyu Bus ticket vending machine

  • Haneda Airport Terminal 2
    Keihin Kyuko Bus Ticket Vending Machine in the 1st Floor Arrival Lobby

    * Tickets are available for purchase at the Haneda Airport Bus Ticket Counter.

Fares payment method

From Haneda Airport: Postpaid
Ride “From Haneda Airport”
Please purchase your ticket in advance.
<Customers using transportation IC cards or coupon tickets>
Please tell the arrival lobby bus ticket handling counter (Terminal 3) or the bus stop staff the time of the bus you will be using.

Please pay in the fare box using your ticket or transportation IC card when you get off the bus.

Going to Haneda Airport: Advance payment
Ride to “Haneda Airport”
Please pay in cash, transportation IC card, or ticket into the fare box when boarding.

Boarding point information

Using these buses
  • The operating times are only a guide. Please note that there may be delays due to road conditions, etc., so please allow plenty of time. Please note that the operating company will not be held responsible for any damages caused by delays, etc.

    When boarding the bus, please prepare your coins and ticket in advance. You cannot exchange high-value bills of 2,000 yen or more on the train.

    Passengers are asked to bring their own baggage onto the train. Large baggage such as suitcases that cannot be brought onto the train can be stored in the trunk room under the floor, but the operating company will not be responsible for any loss, theft, damage, etc. Please note.
    Please check this out for details.

['Haneda Airport Terminal 3, Platform 8'], ['Haneda Airport Terminal 2, 1st floor arrival lobby, Platform 8'], ['Haneda Airport Terminal 1, 1st floor arrival lobby, Platform 9'], [' Shin-Yokohama Sta. Bus Terminal Bus Terminal 1'], ['Shin Shin Yokohama Prince Hotel Front Entrance'], ['Center South Station Bus Terminal 8'], [' Center Kita Sta. Terminal 5'],