Haneda Airport, Shinagawa Station ⇔ Kawaguchiko Station, Fujisan Sta. (only operates on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) *Operates daily from August 3, 2024 to August 18, 2024

Smartphone ticket availableVehicle with toilet
what's new

time table

To Kawaguchiko Sta. / Fujisan Sta.

Going to Haneda Airport/Shinagawa Station

Fares information

one way

Shinagawa Station~
Chuodo Ogatayama, Chuodo Tsuru, Chuodo Nishikatsura
Adults 1,830 yen (Children 920 yen)
Chuodo Shimoyoshida, Fuji-Q Highland, Kawaguchiko Station, Fujisan Sta.
Adults 2,040 yen (Children 1,020 yen)

Haneda Airport ~
Chuodo Ogatayama, Chuodo Tsuru, Chuodo Nishikatsura
Adults 2,310 yen (Children 1,160 yen)
Chuodo Shimoyoshida, Fuji-Q Highland, Kawaguchiko Station, Fujisan Sta.
Adults 2,520 yen (Children 1,260 yen)

  • You can purchase a smartphone ticket from the express bus reservation service.
  • The service will run daily from August 3, 2024 to August 18, 2024. Click here for the service calendar.
  • Ticket deals

    Easy-to-get Mt.Fuji ticket
    For more information here*Currently discontinued

    Ticket sales location

    Reservation required
    Reservations on Keikyu Bus
    Reservations can be made online or by phone. For more information here Please refer to the.

    • The reception period is from one month before the boarding date until 17:00 on the day before.
    • After making your reservation, please purchase your ticket by the specified purchase deadline.

    • Purchase deadline

      Up to 7 days before boarding date: Please purchase within 7 days including the reservation date.
      Up to 3 days before boarding date: Please purchase within 3 days including the reservation date.
      2 days or 1 day before the boarding date: Please purchase by 17:00 the day before the boarding date.

      • Reservation ticket sales location

        Yokohama Sta. Bus Terminal Information Center, Kamiooka Information Center, Yokosuka Information Center, Keikyu Bus Offices, Fujikyu Travel, Lawson, FamilyMart (web reservations only), 7-Eleven

      • Reservations on Fujikyuko
        • From a computer or mobile phone
          https://secure.j-bus.co.jp/hon (Departure Alright Net)
        • Phone reservation
          Fujikyu Call Center 0555-73-8181 (7:30-20:00)
        • Reservation ticket sales location
          Kawaguchiko Station bus ticketing counter, Fuji-Q Highland Fujisan Sta. bus ticketing counter, Lawson, Family Mart

        Same-day ticket sales location (if there are vacant seats)
        <Customers seeking tickets for Fujisan Sta. >
        • Haneda Airport Terminal 3
          2nd floor arrival lobby Bus ticket handling counter/Keikyu bus ticket vending machine
          Keikyu Bus ticket vending machine in front of bus stops 4 and 8 on the 1st floor
        • Haneda Airport Terminal 1
          1st floor arrival lobby Keikyu Bus ticket vending machine
        • Haneda Airport Terminal 2
          1st floor arrival lobby Keikyu Bus ticket vending machine

        <Customers seeking tickets for Haneda Airport/Shinagawa Station>
        *On sale until 10 minutes before departure from the first stop
        • Fuji-Q Highland
          Bus ticket issuing counter
        • Kawaguchiko Station
          Bus ticket issuing counter
        • Fujisan Sta.
          Bus ticket issuing counter
        • others
          Fujikyuko Kawaguchiko Office, Lawson, FamilyMart
    Fares payment method

    From Haneda Airport: Advance payment
    Ride “From Haneda Airport”
    After making your reservation, please purchase your ticket at the ticket sales location.
    <Customers without reservations>
    Please purchase your ticket in advance at the Keikyu Bus ticket vending machine in the arrival lobby or at the bus ticket counter (Terminal 3).

    Please pay your ticket into the fare box when boarding.

    Ride “From Shinagawa Station”
    After making your reservation, please purchase your ticket at the ticket sales location.
    <Customers without reservations>
    Tickets will be sold on board only when seats are available.

    Please pay cash and ticket into the fare box when boarding.

    Going to Haneda Airport/Shinagawa Station: Advance payment
    Ride to “Haneda Airport/Shinagawa Station”
    After making your reservation, please purchase your ticket at the ticket sales location.
    <Customers without reservations>
    You can board the train only if there are seats available.

    Please pay cash and ticket into the fare box when boarding.

    Boarding point information

    Using these buses
    • The operating times are only a guide. Please note that there may be delays due to road conditions, etc., so please allow plenty of time. Please note that the operating company will not be held responsible for any damages caused by delays, etc.

      When boarding the bus, please be sure to have cash and your ticket ready in advance. You cannot exchange high-value bills of 2,000 yen or more on the train.

      Passengers are asked to bring their own baggage onto the train. Large baggage such as suitcases that cannot be brought onto the train can be stored in the trunk room under the floor, but the operating company will not be responsible for any loss, theft, damage, etc. Please note.
      Please check this out for details.

      • Due to maintenance, etc., vehicles may be operated without toilets. Additionally, flights operated by joint operating companies may differ from the seating arrangement of buses operated by our company, and may not have toilets. Please note.
      • It cannot be used only between Fujisan Sta. and Fuji-Q Highland, and between Haneda Airport and Shinagawa Station.
      • Please see the Haneda Airport Terminal portal site for information such as flight information and terminal building information.
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